Join the Boston Globe’s “Job Doc” Patricia Hunt Sinacole for her talk, “A Practical Guide To Landing A Job In Today’s Employment Market” on Monday, March 23 at 2:00-3:00pm at the Tewksbury Library (300 Chandler St., Tewksbury, MA 01876). Whether you are a professional in-between positions, re-entering the work force, or searching for a new career path, finding your way in the current job market can be difficult. This interactive session will be packed with information to help you become more productive, including: the use/misuse of social media in a search; networking tips; a job hunter’s elevator speech, resumes and references; and job search statistics. Patricia is the CEO and Founder of First Beacon Group LLC, a Human Resources consulting firm that provides HR services to a wide variety of companies. There will be time for networking after the presentation. Limited to 25 seats. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Read more on the library website.