When your supervisor has been “let go”
Q: My supervisor was just “let go.” I tried to reach out to her, and have not heard back. I am not sure what “let go” that means, but she is no longer in the office. I am worried that … Continued
Q: My supervisor was just “let go.” I tried to reach out to her, and have not heard back. I am not sure what “let go” that means, but she is no longer in the office. I am worried that … Continued
Q: I work in an environment that is becoming very toxic. I have a new supervisor who stokes this behavior. He will tell very aggressive, and sometimes violent jokes. He also taunts and demeans us when we may share a … Continued
Q: I never thought I would be writing a letter to ask about bare feet in the office. I am a forty something manager of a young team of three inside sales professionals. Yes, we work in technology. Yes, we … Continued
Q: I work for a mid-sized law firm and I am enjoying the work. One of the partners is a problem. After I started in my role, he started hanging out near my office and it became excessive. I learned … Continued
Q: We had a dispute in our office last week. It started with a verbal disagreement. Then two guys really started shouting. One guy pushed another guy. Someone yelled “take it outside!” They went outside to our parking lot and … Continued
Q: I am a manager of a large team in a financial services company in downtown Boston. If a Boston team wins a big game (read World Series or Super Bowl), it seems like everyone in Boston uses that an … Continued
Q: I recently was interviewed as part of a workplace investigation at my company. I was told in advance that I would be asked questions about our office and work environment. I met with the investigator and she asked very … Continued
Q: Recently I had a situation with my new manager. Our roles are changing, which I understand, since we just hired a new leader within my division. However, how the information was delivered in a pretty gruff way. I thought … Continued
Q: I might have to leave a job I love. I love my job, my colleagues and my work. I even love my boss. However, there is a manager, in another department, who is targeting me. He has made my … Continued
Q: I was recently asked to fill in for a colleague, who went on a medical leave. There were a few of us who chipped in, since it would only be a few weeks that she was planning to be … Continued