A finalist for a new job?
Q: I have been told that I am a finalist for a role. The company is my ideal company and my ideal job. I am very excited that I am a finalist. I was told “they are down to two” … Continued
Q: I have been told that I am a finalist for a role. The company is my ideal company and my ideal job. I am very excited that I am a finalist. I was told “they are down to two” … Continued
Q: I work in a suburban office park in Massachusetts. We adopted the open office style years ago. Some have private offices, but most of us do not. During the month of May, we were told by our CEO that … Continued
Q: My employer is asking us to return to the office full-time on July 1. I am super anxious about returning to an office. I don’t know who is vaccinated and who is not. I want my employer to tell … Continued
Q: I have been a runner-up for several positions. I have the qualifications, including an advanced degree. I get nervous during interviews. How can I calm my nerves? One hiring manager was very honest with me. He said I was … Continued